Dienstag, 20. November 2012

Israeli and Palestineans finally agree: We can end spiral of violence by using violence

This article is a translation of the original text "Israelis und Palästinenser überzeugt, Spirale der Gewalt durch Gewalt beenden zu können" by Der Postillon. All rights belong to Der Postillon. @Der Postillon: Please do not sue me, I will immediately remove the translation if you insist.

Tel Aviv, Gaza (dpo) - Both the Israeli Goverment and the radical islamist party Hamas confirmed their impertubable believe that they finally can break the disastrous spiral of violence  in the middle east conflict. To reach this noble goal, both sides rely on a equally adventurous as well as innovatitve measure: violence.

Chalid Maschaal, leader of Hamas, is convinced that this strategy must succeed: "According to our calculations, we are only two or three cassam rockets blindly fired in direction Israel away from eternal peace in the Middle East. That is why we will answer each attack from Israel on the Gaza Strip with further rockets."

Israel follows a similar tactic to end the Middle East conflict which has been going on since 1918 and the spiral of violence coming along with it. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanjahu said in a press conference today: "We are convinced that only two or three air strike onto the Gaza Strip are necessary so that Palestineans and Israeli can coexist without hating and fearing each other. We will react to each attack from Hamas with extreme strength."

Given the improbable case that neither Hamas nor the Israeli  Government achieve to break the spirale of violence in the Middle East conflict by means of violence, both sides announced that they might fall back to a so-called "Plan B": It prescribes the use of "more violence".

This article is a translation of the original text "Israelis und Palästinenser überzeugt, Spirale der Gewalt durch Gewalt beenden zu können" by Der Postillon. All rights belong to Der Postillon. @Der Postillon: Please do not sue me, I will immediately remove the translation if you insist.